
Nicholas Pope

Lawyer (he/him)

Ontario Bar 2019 | JD University of Calgary 2015

I use law to advance systemic change for the marginalized.

I practice primarily administrative law, which is the review of government decisions, actions, and inaction. This includes decisions made by Cabinet ministers and administrative tribunals, such as human rights tribunals and parole boards. I make sure they exercise their powers reasonably and obey the Charter and customary international law. If the government delays a decision or refuses to act, I turn to the courts to compel them to act.

I also promote human rights through litigation in a wide variety of other legal arenas. This includes pursuing discrimination claims at human rights tribunals and bringing civil lawsuits in federal and provincial courts.

Prior to joining Hameed Law, I worked at non-profit organizations. I advocated against international law violations at the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem. I coordinated the refugee sponsorship program for MCC Alberta in Calgary. And I advocated for the release of imprisoned journalists, political dissenters, and human rights defenders worldwide while at Freedom Now in Washington, DC.

I have developed legal automation software to practice law more efficiently and improve access to justice. I have made some of this software publicly available, including LegalCite and the Federal Court E-Filing Assistant.

I am a member of the local Amnesty International and Fair Vote Canada chapters, and I teach LSAT at Ottawa LSAT.

Nicholas Pope

Nicholas Pope
T: 613-656-6917
F: 613-232-2680
E: npope@hameedlaw.ca

    Current rates:
  • $230 per hour for individual clients, effective until July 1, 2025, and subject to yearly increases
  • rate varies for institutional clients